Why Is My Hair Falling? Let's Find Out and Fix It


Why your hair seems to be saying goodbye? Well, no worries lots of people face this. We're here to help you understand what's happening and why. Let's find about the signs that show your hair falling and learn what causes it.

Have you noticed more hair on your pillow when you wake up or clogging up the drain after a shower?

 Is your hair looking less full, and can you see more of your scalp than before?

 Do you see small, smooth bald patches on your scalp or elsewhere on your body?

Why Our Hair Falling Out:


1. Family Connection:

 Sometimes, hair loss runs in families. If our parents or grandparents experienced it, we might too.

2.  Hormones:

 Changes in hormones due to pregnancy, having a baby, or issues like PCOS can mess with our hair.

3. Health Matters:

 Conditions like thyroid problems and scalp infections can lead to hair loss.

4. Food Matters Too:

 Not getting the right nutrients, like vitamins and minerals, can make our hair unhappy and prone to falling.

5. Stress and Lifestyle:

 Stress is like a sneaky enemy that messes with our hair growth cycle. Also, if we're not taking care of our self, our hair might rebel.

6. Tight Hairstyles:

 Tight hairstyles, too much heat, and harsh chemicals can weaken our hair and make it fall out.

7. Growing Older:

When we get older, our hair naturally gets thinner. Blame it on changes in the hair-making process.

8. Medicines:

 Some medicines, like those for serious stuff like cancer, depression, heart issues, and more, can have hair loss as a not-so-fun side effect.


If you find more hair around, don't stress. And remember, being good to hair by eating well, chilling out, and being gentle when you style can keep your hair cheerful and healthy!


5 Home Remedies to Control Hair Fall:

Here’s five simple home remedies that can help to control hair fall. No fancy stuff just natural solutions we can try right at home.


1. Coconut Oil:

Coconut oil is like a superhero for our hair. Warm up some coconut oil (not too hot!) and gently massage it into scalp. Leave it on for about an hour or even overnight. Then, wash it off with a good shampoo. Coconut oil is packed with nutrients that can strengthen our hair and make it less likely to fall.


2. Egg Treatment:

Eggs are more than just breakfast they're good for our hair too! Beat an egg and apply it on scalp and hair. Leave it on for around 30 minutes, then wash it out with cool water and a gentle shampoo. Eggs are rich in protein, which can make our hair stronger and less prone to falling.


3. Aloe Vera:

Aloe Vera isn't just for sunburns it's also awesome for our hair. Take some fresh aloe vera gel and apply it on scalp. Let it sit for about 45 minutes before rinsing it off. Aloe vera helps balance our scalp's pH and can promote healthy hair growth.


4. Fenugreek Seeds:

Fenugreek seeds are great for hair fall. Soak some fenugreek seeds in water overnight and grind them into a paste in the morning. Apply the paste on scalp and let it work its magic for around 30 minutes. Then, wash it off. Fenugreek is like a secret weapon against hair fall it can strengthen our hair and reduce breakage.


5. Onion:

Onions can make our hair happy. Blend an onion to make a paste and apply it on scalp. Leave it on for about 30 minutes, then wash it off with a mild shampoo. Onions have sulfur, which can boost blood circulation to the scalp and promote hair growth.


Some Natural Ways to Control Hair Fall:


1. Healthy Eating:

Eating good food helps our hair stay strong. Focus on eating fruits, veggies, lean proteins like chicken or beans, and whole grains like oats and brown rice. They give our hair the nutrients it needs to grow strong and not fall easily.


2. Keep Stress in Check:

When we're too stressed, our hair can feel it too! Try relaxing activities like yoga, reading, or going for walks. When we're calm, our hair is happier.


3. Regular Hair Care:

Wash hair with a mild shampoo and conditioner regularly. This keeps scalp clean and hair healthy. Don't scrub too hard.


4. Balanced Diet:

Eating a mix of foods gives our body what it needs. Include protein, vitamins like A and E, and minerals like iron and zinc in our meals.


5. Stay Hydrated:

Drinking enough water keeps our body including our hair-happy and healthy. Daily routine for 8 glasses of water a day.


6. Regular Trims:

Trimming our hair every couple of months helps prevent split ends. When our hair has fewer split ends, it's less likely to break and fall.



Taking care of hair doesn't have to be complicated. These five home remedies use simple ingredients that might already have in our kitchen. Remember, results might take a little time, so be patient and consistent with your treatments.

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