Dry Hands And Feet Try These Easy Home Treatments


Reasons of Dry Hands and Feet in Summer:

1. Sun and Heat:

 When it's sunny and hot, the sun and heat can take away the water and oils that keep our skin soft.

2. Sweating:

 We sweat to cool down in the heat, but sweating a lot can make our skin lose even more water, making it dry.

3. Less Moisture in the Air:

 In summer, the air can be dry with less water in it. This dry air can make our skin lose moisture.

4. Swimming and Pool Chemicals:

 Swimming in pools with chemicals like chlorine can remove the natural oils from our skin, making it dry.

5. Washing Too Much: 

Washing hands and feet a lot, especially with soap or hot water, can remove the oils that keep our skin moist.

6. Not Drinking Enough Water:

 When it's hot, we need more water. If we don't drink enough, our skin can become dry.

7. Forgetting Moisturizer:

 Using moisturizer (like lotion) helps keep our skin hydrated. Forgetting to use it can make our skin dry.

Taking care of our skin by drinking water, using moisturizer, and being gentle can help keep it from getting too dry.

To help with dry hands and feet in the summer:

1. Use Lotion:

 Put special lotion on your hands and feet. Lotion is like a cream that makes your skin soft.

2. Drink Water:

 Remember to drink water when it's hot. This helps your skin stay moist from the inside.

3. Soak in Water:

 Sometimes, we can soak our hands and feet in water. It's like a mini-bath that can make our skin happier.

4. Try Oils:

 Things like coconut oil or olive oil can make our skin feel nice. Ask a grown-up to help us.

5. Wear Soft Socks and Gloves:

 If we wear soft socks and gloves, they can help keep the moisture in our skin.

6. Be Gentle:

 When we wash our hands and feet, use gentle soap and don't rub too hard. This keeps our skin happy.

7. Eat Healthy Foods:

 Some foods, like fruits and veggies, have things that are good for our skin.

It's okay to ask a grown-up for help if our skin still feels dry or hurts. They can help us take care of it!

 10 home remedies to help with dry hands and feet:

1. Coconut Oil Massage:

    Get some coconut oil.

    Before bedtime, rub the coconut oil gently on  dry hands and feet.

    This will help your skin become soft and not so dry.

2. Oatmeal Soak:

    Mix oatmeal with warm water in a bowl.

    Put your hands and feet in this mixture for a little while.

   This can make your skin feel better and less dry.

3. Honey and Milk Pack:

    Mix a bit of honey and milk together.

    Put this mixture on your dry hands and feet, like you're using lotion.

    After a short time, wash it off with water.

    This can make your skin smoother.

4. Banana Mask:

    Take a ripe banana and mash it up.

    Put this mashed banana on your dry hands and feet.

    Wait for some time, then wash it off with water.

    Your hands and feet might feel less dry.

5. Yogurt Treatment:

    Get plain yogurt from the fridge.

    Put the yogurt on your dry hands and feet and let it sit for a while.

    Wash it off with water.

    Your skin might feel more moisturized.

6. Aloe Vera Gel:

    Get some aloe Vera gel.

    Put a little of this gel on your dry hands and feet.

    It can help make your skin feel less dry.

7. Petroleum Jelly:

    Use petroleum jelly, like Vaseline.

    Put a thin layer on your hands and feet before sleep.

    This can help lock in moisture.

8. Milk Cream Rub:

    Get the thick part of milk, called cream.

    Rub it on your dry skin and let it sit for a bit.

    Wash it off with water. Your skin might feel better.

9. Avocado Mash:

    Take a ripe avocado and mash it up.

    Spread this mash on your hands and feet.

    Wait a little and then wash it off. Your skin could feel softer.

10. Epsom Salt Soak:

    Add Epsom salt to warm water in a bowl.

    Soak your hands and feet in this water for a while.

    It might help your skin feel less dry and more comfy.

So, if you follow these simple steps, your hands and feet can stay soft and comfortable all summer long. Just remember to use lotion, drink water, and be gentle with your skin. If your hands and feet still feel dry, don't worry. Ask a grown-up or a doctor for help. They can give you more ideas to keep your skin happy. Enjoy your summer with happy, moisturized hands and feet!

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